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Services For Loans


Commercial Loans

We provide loans ranging from 3,000,000 to 25,000,000.

The loan amount should be on or about 70% of the appraised value. Fix interest rate for the next 10 years. Amortized 30 years. Depending on the Borrower's credit report, LTV and underwriting reviews, we give 10 year treaury + (1.5-2.0)

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Conventional Loans

Our company can fund loans on a timely manner when appropriate docs such as title reports and appraisals are submitted quickly.

Multifamily loans can range from $300,000 to $5,000,000. We offer competitive rates for apartment buyers and investors.

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Commercial Bridge Loans / Swing Loans

Commercial borrowers often need this type of loan to facilitate the financing of a property for a short period of time. A bridge loan is designed to be used by Borrowers expecting to sell a property quickly or refinance within the near future




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New Purchase Loans

A new purchase loan is usually used to purchase commercial property. These properties can either owner-occupied, leased to another tenant, or a development which you plan to turn around and sell once completed.




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Construction Loans

If you are building your own home, or renovating an existing property, we can help you secure funds. Our loan programs will meet your financial needs. We offered a variety of fixed and adjustable mortgage. In addition to cosntruction to loans, we offer lot loans and major rehab financing.




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Commercial Mortgage Cash Out Refinance

Cash out refinancing is ideal for borrowers who are looking to change the length and interest rate oof their loan while also taking extra casdh out to grow their business.

refinancing is a great way for borrowers to save on their mortgage payment and help lower their operating expenses. Borrowers who are willing to refinance without cash out may want to consider a term refinance.

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Copyright 2007 Aero Realty & Mortgage 2007. The details on this site is for information purpose only and does not constitute tax, legal, or accounting advice. We similarly advise you to seek appropriate profeesional advise regarding your facts and circumstances.
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